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Lots of streets in Banjul have been repaved in recent years, with places to plant trees made in the concrete of the pavements. In addition, as part of the EU project, trees, including fruit trees, were grown in schools and given to pupils to plant at home. Those plantings are also part of climate mitigation and adaptation strategies. Trees provide cooling, remove CO² from the air and create a greener streetscape.
Over the next three years, the City of Ostend - with the support of the Province of West Flanders - plans to continue to support its partners in Banjul with the growing of 500 trees in the nursery on Crab Island and planting of 300 trees in the streets of Banjul.
Mainly Cordia Sebestena, Ficus and Terminalia Ivorensis (’Umbrella tree’) will be planted in the streets. The community-based organisation Development Oriented Citizens (COD) Banjul is responsible for planting and caring for trees in the city. The logistical challenges in the city centre are greater than on the beach because the trees are scattered all over the city. Stray sheep and goats are one of the greatest threats, making adequate protection during the first years of life essential.