LLD Portal

LLD Portal


The project SCAPE (Shaping Climate Adaptive PlacEs) developed a technical tool that determines to what extent the concept of Landscape Led Design (LLD) can be standardised for water management solutions.

The tool (see excel at the bottom of this page) is based on the “climate proof” approach and focuses on the design parameters of a new LLD project. It takes the existing landscape as a starting point and assesses the impact of future climatic changes.

Following parameters should be taken into consideration:

  • Relief and soil => Option of infiltration over a smaller/larger stretch?
  • Greenery and pavement => Heat stress, irrigation water
  • Precipitation => Necessary measures
  • Drought => Need for water recovery?
  • Water infiltration => Soil type at 5 metres, groundwater level, salinization

illustraties Eric van Rootselaar

The Lanskink ladder for water is thereby used:

  1. Reception for reuse
  2. Infiltration on own site
  3. Buffering with delayed discharge into surface water or an artificial drainage route for rainwater
  4. Discharge into rainwater drainage pipe (RWA) in the street.(*)

(*) Only if the best available techniques do not permit any of the aforementioned drainage methods, may rainwater be discharged into the public sewer system in accordance with legal provisions.

This climate test forms the basis for a more detailed study.  A rainwater study compares the technical feasibility and the costs/limitations associated with the implementation of the proposed techniques. Looking at the technical feasibility of reuse, infiltration or delayed disposal of water, a number of aspects need to be taken into account.

The tool goes through these aspects one by one:

  • First, the parameters of the environment in its broad context are defined (relief, soil composition, type and amount of greenery, any paving present). These form the landscape in which the intervention is planned.
  • These parameters are then combined with a number of climate aspects (precipitation, drought on the basis of temperature and wind).
  • Also, long-term forecasts of expected climate changes are available and can be useful to take into account while designing a climate-proof intervention.

This presented climate test allows for a structured design process as it asks targeted multiple choice questions to streamline the reasoning when taking the possible consequences of climate change into account.

We present two supporting publications on Landscape Led Design.

  • A technical impact report. The technical impact report compares the technical results of the pilots in the different areas. Doing this internationally for different types of landscapes creates a nice overview of the most important lessons learned and ensures that the conclusions can be widely applied.
  • A Landscape Led Design guide (Het Leidend Landschap)
    SCAPE's projects are located in cities, urban fringes and the countryside. They are diverse and inspirational: the sleek design of the Cityriver in Ostend, where the water unexpectedly disappears into the soil; the small-scale interventions in Brighton that funnel rainwater from the sloping streets underground; the Gardens of Stene, which draw in water from the city and supply food in return; the creek ridges in Middelburg, where rainwater is pushing back the advancing saline groundwater; the widened Zwin, an old estuary where nature can once again take its course; and the restored water meadows in Darent Valley in the smog of London.

This book tells the story of those projects and shows how the city and country's water housekeeping works in harmony with nature.



technical impact report.pdf22,4 Mb(pdf)

Landscape Led Design.pdf2,7 Mb(pdf)

Het leidend landschap.pdf2,7 Mb(pdf)

Read this page in Dutch/Lees hieronder dit artikel over LLD Portal in het Nederlands:

SCAPE LLD tool info NL.docx15,6 Kb(docx)

Access the LLD tool/gebruik de LLD tool:

LLD tool (with Dutch example).xlsx706 Kb(xlsx)

LLD tool (with ENG example).xlsx258,2 Kb(xlsx)

handleiding klimaattest.pdf930,7 Kb(pdf)

Manual Climate test.pdf886,7 Kb(pdf)

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